Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 15: First Day @ Yong Ping HS and Revitalization Day

Today, we switched host families and went to our sixth and final high school visit - Yong Ping Senior High School.  We were greeted enthusiastically and were taken on a tour of the campus.  A few of the buildings had very interesting architectural designs. A picture of the library is below, where students spend a lot of time.  The library is open until 9 PM in most schools here.

A view of the Yong Ping Library

Front view of Yong Ping High School

Another swimming pool here at this school

I thought this was interesting that the track went under the building
 We stopped to watch the table tennis team practice.  They were very good! They take table tennis here very seriously. It was fun to watch the students play that fast.

Another student artwork of Chien Ming Wang when he played for the Yankees
 After our tour, we listened to a welcome presentation by the students.  Their presentation was so entertaining - I was cracking up. It seems very typical to use some sort of skit in presentations here in Taiwan.  They spoke to us about their school, clubs and sports, and of course, their favorite food. Seen below are a few of their favorites: black rice cake, stinky tofu (and yes, it does smell!), and milk tea with bubbles.

Student presentation on their favorite Taiwan foods

Group shot with the teachers and students from Yong Ping
 After lunch, we had a real treat - we went to a salon and had our hair done.  As I said in a previous post - it is extremely cheap to get it done in Taiwan.  This was my second time and it was amazing once again! I was glad that Kelly and Jacki had the chance to experience it. Next, we went to get a massage - for back and legs it was only less than $7 U.S. Dollars!

Kelli and I at the salon

After photo of our hair
 That evening I went to my new host family.  They live very close to the school - 10 minutes walking distance.  I am staying with Wendy and her mom, Amy.  Wendy is an 18 year old student who just graduated from Yong Ping. She just finished her exams and is waiting for her scores on the edge of her seat! Wendy and her friend, Apple took me to a park nearby the house, called #4 Park.  The park was awesome! There were so many things going on there. It is so hard to find open space and greenery in Taipei so this park was an anomaly. Even at 9 o'clock at night people were working out on the ellipticals, doing Tai Chi, running, dancing, and playing basketball.

Ellipticals in the park

Wendy and I on our walk in the park

Tai Chi in the park

 The picture above reminded me of the Mystery of Chi video - Heather B. will appreciate this :)

Basketball tournaments are very popular

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