Sunday, July 8, 2012

Days 13 & 14: Visit with my family

I spent most of the weekend with my mom, aunt, uncle, and cousin.  My cousin Chen Hui lives in Banqiao District, so I got to venture back there again.  She took my mom and I to get our nails done.  To get a manicure and pedicure in Taiwan it averages about $300 NT (new Taiwan dollars) - this is equivalent to less than $10 U.S. dollars!  A manicure is only $100 NT, which equals about $3 US dollars!  It's so cheap. I'll definitely be heading back there again before I leave.

My pedicure

The busy streets of Banqiao
 After getting our nails done, my cousin took my mom and I to a hair salon to get our hair washed.  I told her that I could just wash my hair at home but she insisted I needed to experience this in Taiwan.  She was right! I have never in my life had such an amazing head massage - they massaged it for 45 minutes (my head, neck, and back) and then dried it and styled it. This cost just $120 NT or a little over $3 U.S. dollars.  I was in shock. I would get my hair washed there every day of the week if I lived there!

For dinner, we stopped at an outdoor night market for some noodles and tofu. Like nails and hair, food is something that you can buy in Taiwan very cheaply - especially at a vendor.  One of the best things (amongst many) is the food in Taiwan.

With my mom on the streets of Banqiao

With my cousin Chen Hui and my mom

On Sunday, I arrived back at my host family's home.  They took me to a delicious restaraunt for a good-bye dinner. I had a ton of good food once again - we said our good-byes and I headed upstairs to pack up my things. I will be moving to a new host family tomorrow when we head to another high school called Yong Ping.

It's been a great 2 weeks in Taiwan so far! It feels like I've been here much longer. I've met some great friends, collaborated with both FCPS and Taiwanese teachers, met some of the kindest and most generous people in my life, visited some great schools, spent time with my family, and visited some amazing sites.  I still have so much more to go though...another 20 days in Taiwan left!

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