Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 10: Banchiao High School

Onto to Panchiao Senior High School today.  The school asked us to do our presentations in the morning so today, Jacki #1 and Jim presented.  We started out by all presenting on Fairfax County Schools – required classes, Social Studies curriculum, number of schools, and facts about the school district in general.  I talked a bit about Centreville High School as well.  We had to present to a large group of teachers – about 50 in total.

With Taiwanese history teachers outside of Panchiao High School

Jim and Jacki #1's Presentation

Jacki #1 did a marvelous presenation on her strategies she uses in her AP Government and AP Comparative Class.  She had the Taiwanese analyze voting data in the U.S.  The teachers were very engaged in the activity.  Jim did a presentation on the activities he uses in his AP European class, such as the internactive notebook, webquests, and how he teaches students to value the importance of studying history. 

I learned so much from my American colleagues! This has been such a great experience to collaborate with them and see what they do in there classrooms as well.

In the computer lab - you can tell how hot it was in there by the look on my face

We ended the day in the computer lab with a presenation on how Taiwanese teachers incorporate technology in the classroom.  By this point in the day, we were so tired, exhausted, and hot from the day that we started to get very loopy.  We probably started acting like our students sometimes do - unruly and immature. 

With Principal Kao of Banciao High School and some students

With Wu - our interpretor for the day

Our interpretor for the day was named Wu.  As usual, she was so helpful.  Not only was she a teacher, but she did fashion design on the side.  She was the trendiest teacher we have met yet. We bonded with her and she was willing to give us many insights on Taiwanese culture.

We ended our day with a trip to the mall.  Jacki #1 and I helped support the Taiwanese economy with a trip here.  We bought a few things that we couldn't get in the U.S. - we bought matching shoes made by a Taiwanese shoe company.  I can't wait to break them out in the fall!

Jacki #1's host mom is one of the most stylish Taiwanse women we've met.  She took us around the mall and then brought us to store where we could look at some beuatiful jewelry.  I had the chance to meet Jacki's host sister as well.  She gave me a glimpse of what typical Taiwanese teenagers do in their free time.  They are just like American teenagers - they like to hang out at the mall, fashion, and movies.
We also made a stop for dinner at a restaraunt famous for their dumplings.  You can watch them make the dumplings so you know they are the freshest.
Yum Yum Yum.

Hand-made and fresh dumplings

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