Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 5: Student Presentations

Today was our last day at the Bed and Breakfast in Shuangxi. We were sad to leave this wonderful place.  We met with our teacher friends for breakfast one last time and then jumped in a van and headed once again to Xiufeng High School.

Students hard at work on their presentations

Jacki, Kelly and I working on our own presentation
 This was also our last day at Xiufeng.  Today, students were required to do a 10 minute presentation on their findings at the Geo Park and the National Palace Museum.  They would also learn a computer program called Xmind.  We spent the morning in the computer lab with them learning the program and putting together our own presentation for later that day.  We would be presenting and sharing our observations of the last two days.

After the presentations, we took a walk to grab some yummy bubble tea.  Bubble tea is a must in Taiwan.  Taiwan is where bubble tea originated and no one does it better.  Bubble tea is flavored milk tea with tapioca pearls.  Although I have had bubble tea many times in the U.S. - I was happy to try my very first authentic Taro flavored bubble tea in Taiwan.  It was delicious.

Bubble Tea
 After lunch, we went to the auditorium to watch the student presentations.  We had to grade them on their English language speaking skills (pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary).  The students had to speak in English for three minutes of their presentations.

About to rate student presentations with my evaluation sheet

 The student powerpoint presentations were excellent.  I was so impressed and entertained.  Students were creative and innovative in how they chose to present what they had learned the last two days.  They combined powerpoint with skits, music, and humor.  The Taiwanese really know their powerpoint! The students were highly motivated and no requirements were given for the presentation, except that it had to be 10 minutes.  However, the students went above and beyond.

Students presenting with their powerpoint and skits

After we gave our own presentations to the students and teachers, a panel of teachers rated the student presentations on content and examined our English speaking evaluations.  The room was in suspense as the winner was announced, the winning student group won 130 U.S. dollars as their prize.  The awards ceremony was very official and the students were so respectful and supportive of their peers throughout this whole seminar.

By the end of our time at the school, I had grown very attached to some of the students.  Some of them have already emailed me saying they will take me around the city to show me where the good food is!

The winning group presentation
 After group pictures and saying our good byes to our new found friends, I said goodbye to Jim, Kelly and Jacki #1 for the night.  Since there are two Jackie's they have started calling us Jacki #1 and Jackie #2 (me).  Jacki and I would be staying in a city called Lin-Kou for the next week and Jim and Kelly would be in Pan Chiao.  We took an hour long car ride and met with out new host families.  I would be staying with Mr. Yeh and his wife. I had dinner with the Yeh family and met their 10 year old daughter Jenny and then headed up to bed for the night. I was exhauseted but ready for the weekend ahead. 

Our first week in Taiwan has truly been amazing. I had the chance to meet and bond with some great new friends (Jacki, Kelly, and Jim) and collaborate with Taiwanese teachers who were so kind, generous, and helpful. I have learned and experienced more in one week, then I could have ever imagined.

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