Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 21: Jade Market and Yangkang St

My mom met me up today for a trip to the Jade Market with Jacki and Kelly. The Jade Market is only open on the weekends and is a must-see for anyone looking for some jade pieces or jewelry.  Jade comes in all kinds of styles - high, medium, and low pricing. You really have to know what you're looking for to make sure it's legitimate. I really enjoyed perusing the hundreds of stalls and looking at all the jade.

My mom turned on her bargaining skills and was able to get us some great bargains. When coming to places such as this - heckling is a must, although I'm not accustomed to this style of shopping, my mom helped us out tremendously, especially communicating with the sellers.

Vendors at the Holiday Jade Market

With my new jade purchase - beautiful purple jade
Here's a pretty hilarious picture of Jacki - one of the vendors tried to convince her to try on a bracelet, but it appeared that it wouldn't go over her hand.  He pulled out a plastic bag to help  her put it on - the look on her face is priceless!

After our day of shopping, we headed over to a famous noodle shop on Yangkang Street and had a delicious dinner. The specialty there was Taiwanese beef noodles, and although I don't eat meat, the dandan noodles with peanut sauce was delicious. 

Noodles from the original beef noodle shop

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