Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 12: San Chung High School

Today we visited San Chung High School.  We arrived and found out that we would be returning to the National Palace Museum.  The teachers at this school did not realize we had already been there.  It was okay though, because our second trip to the museum ended up being very informative and completely worth it.

San Chung High School

Outside the National Palace Museum - 2nd time around

 At the museum, we took an English speaking tour and learned so much more than we did the first time we were there. Plus, since there are so many artifacts, it would take one approximately 12 years to view them all.  The museum houses the largest collection of Chinese artifacts in the world!  They only display a small fraction of their artifacts at one time. 

Our tour guide was awesome - I would have loved her to be my history teacher any day! The museum was great for me because my favorite kind of history is Chinese history.  I learned details and insider information about the porcelain, jade, vessels, and calligraphy at the museum. The hand carvings that were made out of ivory and jade were truly remarkable.  In China, the emperors would have their artists come up with innovative designs and then pay them extra if they were truly special. 

With the ladies from San Chung High School at the National Palace Museum restaraunt

 After the museum we arrived back at the school and took a tour.  It was one of the nicest high school's I've seen - they even had a pool!  One thing that really impressed me was the beautiful artwork they had displayed around the school.

View from the inside of San Chung High School

Student artwork

Student calligraphy - I wanted to take it home!

San Chung High School Pool - I really wanted to go for a swim
 We finished our time at San Chung by watching some aborigine dancing in their gym.  Students from high schools in the area were attending a summer camp.  Jacki and I participated for a bit, but weren't very good. We took a break and I had a chance to get a video of Jim:

Jacki and I ended our day with a trip to a mall with her host mom, Mrs. Cheng and daughter, Joselin.  I was so tired, that I wasn't even in the mood to shop - that rarely happens :)

My mom is now in Taiwan, so her and my aunt and uncle picked me up at the mall and I went to their house in Taipei city to spend Friday and Saturday night. 

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